Beware of fake estate agents and dupes. Ask questions. As many as you can.
Watch out for the indicators on how to identify a fake estate agent.
Remember the 15 Cardinal Points Of Inspection.
Be sure to inspect the apartment carefully and thoroughly before you pay. It is your right.
Aside from the information fed you by the agent or landlord, conduct your own independent investigations.
Settle all issues regarding repairs or renovations before you pay.
Always remember the Golden Rule: DO NOT BE RUSHED!
1) Your rent receipt is the basis of your rights as a tenant. Always demand for it.
2) Ensure your receipts are duly signed, dated as per the date of payment and reflect amount paid as rent.
3) It is now a criminal offence in Lagos State for a landlord not to issue a rent receipt.
4) You are entitled to a copy of the tenancy agreement.
5) Take note of the restrictive covenants (conditions) in your tenancy agreement, and especially, how many months’ quit notice you are entitled to.
6) Ask questions on any aspect of the tenancy agreement you do not understand.
7) Your landlord cannot increase your rent yearly or arbitrarily, or in the middle of a term you had already paid for.
8) You are entitled to negotiate any rent increment with your landlord.
9) You are entitled to approach the court if you believe the rent increment is unreasonable.
10) You cannot pay more than 1 year’s rent in advance as a new tenant in Lagos State.
11) In Lagos State, an old monthly tenant cannot pay more than 6 month’s rent in advance, while an old yearly tenant cannot pay more than 1 year’s rent in advance.
12) Do not hesitate to always consult your lawyer for clarifications on any point you are not clear about.