* The salary of all employees must be paid by legal tender, i.e., in Naira and kobo.
* No employer can dictate to you about how, where and when to spend your salary.
* Your employer is not permitted to pay you salary advance of more than one month.
* Only recognized deductions can be made from your salary.
* Your contract of employment must be prepared not later than three months after you started work, and must contain the required information.
* Your terms and conditions in any contract of employment must not derogate from your rights as an employee.
* Employees on sick leave are entitled to pay, depending on the terms and conditions of employment.
* Long period of illness entitles the employer to terminate the contract on the ground of frustration, though the employee is entitled to payment proportionate to the number of days he worked for.
* Women, young persons and apprentices constitute a special class of vulnerable employees for which special provisions have been made under the law.