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    • Know Your Rights
      (PREAWIN) Also known as KNOW YOUR RIGHTS is a non-governmental organization in Nigeria. It started in 2005 when people of like minds with no political, religious, or ethnic affiliation came together to map out strategies on how to generally educate Nigerians on their basic rights under the law.
    • 134
    • 135
    • 5 years, 8 months ago

      Olajire Deborah

    • You can be an i-Witness/Reporter
      Report Any Violation Of The Rights 
      Of Citizens in Your Area
      One of the cardinal objectives of our Organization is to expose acts that violate the citizens’ basic rights by government, its agencies and even by the citizens themselves. When such violations and abuses are exposed, the perpetrators will be constrained from repeating the wrongful acts. (more…)